Module npy2bdv.npy2bdv

Expand source code
# Fast writing of numpy arrays to HDF5 format compatible with Fiji/BigDataViewer and BigStitcher
# Author: Nikita Vladimirov
# License: GPL-3.0
import os
import h5py
import numpy as np
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import skimage.transform
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import trange

class BdvBase:
    __version__ = "2021.03"

    def __init__(self, filename):
        Base class for `BdvWriter` and `BdvEditor` classes. Not intended for user interaction.

            filename: string,
                Path to either .h5 or .xml file. The other file of the pair will be in the same folder.
        self._fmt = 't{:05d}/s{:02d}/{}'
        if filename[-2:] == 'h5':
            self.filename_h5 = filename
            self.filename_xml = filename[:-2] + 'xml'
        elif filename[-3:] == 'xml':
            if os.path.exists(filename):  # if the XML file already exists (editor mode)
                    et = ET.parse(filename)
                    root = et.getroot()
                    sq = root.find('SequenceDescription')
                    iml = sq.find('ImageLoader')
                    hdf5_ = iml.find('hdf5')
                    image_file_name = hdf5_.text
                    image_file = Path(filename).parent.joinpath(image_file_name)
                    self.filename_h5 = image_file
                    self.filename_xml = filename
                except Exception as e:
                    raise ValueError(f"Could no parse XML file {filename}")
            else:  # to create a new file pair H5/XML
                self.filename_h5 = filename[:-3] + 'h5'
                self.filename_xml = filename
        self._root = None
        self.nlevels = None
        self.ntimes = self.nilluminations = self.nchannels = self.ntiles = self.nangles = self.nsetups = 0
        self.compression = None
        self.compressions_supported = (None, 'gzip', 'lzf')

    def _determine_setup_id(self, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0):
        """Takes the view attributes (illumination, channel, tile, angle) and converts them into unique setup_id.
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int

            setup_id: int, >=0 (first setup)
        if self.nsetups is not None:
            setup_id_matrix = np.arange(self.nsetups)
            setup_id_matrix = setup_id_matrix.reshape((self.nilluminations, self.nchannels, self.ntiles, self.nangles))
            setup_id = setup_id_matrix[illumination, channel, tile, angle]
            setup_id = None
        return setup_id

    def _get_xml_root(self):
        """Load the meta-information information from XML header file"""
        assert os.path.exists(self.filename_xml), f"Error: {self.filename_xml} file not found"
        if self._root is None:
            with open(self.filename_xml, 'r') as file:
                self._root = ET.parse(file).getroot()

    def read_affine(self, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, index=0):
        """" Read affine matrix transformation of a view from the XML file.

            time: int
                Time index, >=0.
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
            index: int
                Index of the transformation (default 0, i.e. the top one, which is applied last).

            Numpy (3,4) float array, the transformation matrix.
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        found = False
        for node in self._root.findall('./ViewRegistrations/ViewRegistration'):
            if int(node.attrib['setup']) == isetup and int(node.attrib['timepoint']) == time:
                found = True
        assert found, f'Node not found: <ViewRegistration setup="{isetup}" timepoint="{time}">'
        assert index < len(node), f'Index {index} out of range, only {len(node)} transforms found.'
        affine_str = node[index].find('affine').text
        affine_mx = np.fromstring(affine_str, sep='\n').reshape(3,4)
        return affine_mx

    def append_affine(self, m_affine, name_affine="Appended affine transformation using npy2bdv.",
                      time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0):
        """" Append affine matrix transformation to a view.
        If using in `BdvWriter`, call `BdvWriter.write_xml_file(...)` first, to create a valid XML tree.
        The transformation will be placed on top,  e.g. executed by the BigStitcher last.
        The transformation is defined as matrix of shape (3,4).
        Each column represents coordinate unit vectors after the transformation.
        The last column represents translation in (x,y,z).

            time: int
                Time index, >=0.
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
            m_affine: numpy array of shape (3,4)
                Coefficients of affine transformation matrix (m00, m01, ...)
            name_affine: str, optional
                Name of the affine transformation.
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        assert m_affine.shape == (3,4), "m_affine must be a numpy array of shape (3,4)"
        found = False
        for node in self._root.findall('./ViewRegistrations/ViewRegistration'):
            if int(node.attrib['setup']) == isetup and int(node.attrib['timepoint']) == time:
                found = True
        assert found, f'Node not found: <ViewRegistration setup="{isetup}" timepoint="{time}">'
        vt = ET.Element('ViewTransform')
        node.insert(0, vt)
        vt.set('type', 'affine')
        ET.SubElement(vt, 'Name').text = name_affine
        n_prec = 6
        mx_string = np.array2string(m_affine.flatten(), separator=' ',
                                    precision=n_prec, floatmode='fixed',
                                    max_line_width=(n_prec + 6) * 4)
        ET.SubElement(vt, 'affine').text = mx_string[1:-1].strip()
        tree = ET.ElementTree(self._root)
        tree.write(self.filename_xml, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")

    def _xml_indent(self, elem, level=0):
        """Pretty printing function"""
        i = "\n" + level * "  "
        if len(elem):
            if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
                elem.text = i + "  "
            if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
                elem.tail = i
            for elem in elem:
                self._xml_indent(elem, level + 1)
            if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
                elem.tail = i
            if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
                elem.tail = i

    def _subsample_stack(self, stack, subsamp_level):
        """Subsampling of a 3d stack.

            stack, numpy 3d array (z,y,x) of int16
            subsamp_level, array-like with 3 elements, eg (2,4,4) for downsampling z(x2), x and y (x4).

            down-scaled stack, unit16 type.
        if all(subsamp_level[:] == 1):
            stack_sub = stack
            stack_sub = skimage.transform.downscale_local_mean(stack, tuple(subsamp_level)).astype(np.uint16)
        return stack_sub

    def _write_pyramids_header(self):
        """Write resolutions and subdivisions for all setups into h5 file."""
        for isetup in range(self.nsetups):
            group_name = 's{:02d}'.format(isetup)
            if group_name in self._file_object_h5:
                grp = self._file_object_h5[group_name]
                flipped_subsamp = np.flip(self.subsamp, 1)
                flipped_blockdim = np.flip(self.chunks, 1)
                res_dataset = grp['resolutions']
                subdiv_dataset = grp['subdivisions']
                res_dataset[:] = flipped_subsamp
                subdiv_dataset[:] = flipped_blockdim
                raise ValueError(f"Group name {group_name} not found in the H5 file.")

    def create_pyramids(self, subsamp=((4, 8, 8),), blockdim=((8, 128, 128),), compression=None) -> None:
        """ Compute and write downsampled versions (pyramids) of the existing image dataset.

        :param subsamp: tuple of tuples
                Subsampling levels in (z,y,x) order. Integers >= 1, default value ((4, 8, 8),).
        :param blockdim: tuple of tuples
                Block size for h5 storage, in pixels, in (z,y,x) order. Default ((4,256,256),).
                Optimal block size ~0.5 MB.
        :param compression: None or str
                (None, 'gzip', 'lzf'), HDF5 compression method. Default is None for high-speed writing.
        :return: None
        assert len(self.subsamp) == 1, f"Image pyramids already exist, len(self.subsamp) = {len(self.subsamp)}"
        assert len(self.chunks) == 1, f"Image pyramids already exist, len(self.chunks) = {len(self.chunks)}"
        assert self.nsetups > 0, f"Dataset has no views! self.nsetups = {self.nsetups}"
        assert self._file_object_h5 is not None, "H5 file object (self._file_object_h5) is None!"
        assert len(self.subsamp) == len(self.chunks), f"Length of subsampling tuple {len(subsamp)} must " \
                                              f"be == length of block dimensions {len(blockdim)}."
        for isub in range(len(subsamp)):
            assert sum(subsamp[isub]) > 3, f"At least one subsampling factor from {subsamp[isub]} must be > 1."
        assert compression in self.compressions_supported, f'Unknown compression, must be one of' \
                                                           f' {self.compressions_supported}'

        self.subsamp = np.asarray([self.subsamp[0]] + list(subsamp))
        self.chunks = np.asarray([self.chunks[0]] + list(blockdim))
        self.nlevels = len(self.subsamp)

        for time in trange(self.ntimes, desc='time points'):
            for isetup in trange(self.nsetups, desc='views'):
                for ilevel in range(1, self.nlevels):
                    full_res_group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, 0)
                    if full_res_group_name in self._file_object_h5:
                        raw_data = self._file_object_h5[full_res_group_name]['cells'][()].astype('uint16')
                        pyramid_group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
                        grp = self._file_object_h5.create_group(pyramid_group_name)
                        subdata = self._subsample_stack(raw_data, self.subsamp[ilevel]).astype('int16')
                        grp.create_dataset('cells', data=subdata, chunks=tuple(self.chunks[ilevel]),
                                           maxshape=(None, None, None), compression=self.compression, dtype='int16')

class BdvWriter(BdvBase):

    def __init__(self, filename,
                 subsamp=((1, 1, 1),),
                 blockdim=((4, 256, 256),),
                 nilluminations=1, nchannels=1, ntiles=1, nangles=1,
        """Class for writing multiple numpy 3d-arrays into BigDataViewer/BigStitcher HDF5 file.

            filename: string
                File name (full path).
            subsamp: tuple of tuples
                Subsampling levels in (z,y,x) order. Integers >= 1, default value ((1, 1, 1),) for no subsampling.
            blockdim: tuple of tuples
                Block size for h5 storage, in pixels, in (z,y,x) order. Default ((4,256,256),), see notes.
            compression: None or str
                (None, 'gzip', 'lzf'), HDF5 compression method. Default is None for high-speed writing.
            nilluminations: int
            nchannels: int
            ntiles: int
            nangles: int
                Number of view attributes, >=1.
            overwrite: boolean
                If True, overwrite existing file. Default False.

        .. note::
        Input stacks and output files are assumed uint16 type.

        The h5 recommended block (chunk) size should be between 10 KB and 1 MB, larger for large arrays.
        For example, block dimensions (4,256,256)px gives ~0.5MB block size for type int16 (2 bytes) and writes very fast.
        Block size can be larger than stack dimension.
        assert nilluminations >= 1, "Total number of illuminations must be at least 1."
        assert nchannels >= 1, "Total number of channels must be at least 1."
        assert ntiles >= 1, "Total number of tiles must be at least 1."
        assert nangles >= 1, "Total number of angles must be at least 1."
        assert compression in self.compressions_supported, f'Unknown compression, must be one of' \
                                                           f' {self.compressions_supported}'
        assert all([isinstance(element, int) for tupl in subsamp for element in
                    tupl]), 'subsamp values should be integers >= 1.'
        if len(blockdim) < len(subsamp):
            print(f"INFO: blockdim levels ({len(blockdim)}) < subsamp levels ({len(subsamp)}):"
                  f" First-level block size {blockdim[0]} will be used for all levels")
        self.nsetups = nilluminations * nchannels * ntiles * nangles
        self.nilluminations = nilluminations
        self.nchannels = nchannels
        self.ntiles = ntiles
        self.nangles = nangles
        self.attribute_counts = {'illumination': self.nilluminations, 'channel': self.nchannels,
                                 'angle': self.nangles, 'tile': self.ntiles}
        self.subsamp = np.asarray(subsamp)
        self.nlevels = len(subsamp)
        self.chunks = self._compute_chunk_size(blockdim)
        self.stack_shapes = {}
        self.affine_matrices = {}
        self.affine_names = {}
        self.calibrations = {}
        self.voxel_size_xyz = {}
        self.voxel_units = {}
        self.exposure_time = {}
        self.exposure_units = {}
        self.attribute_labels = {}
        self.compression = compression
        if os.path.exists(self.filename_h5):
            if overwrite:
                print("Warning: H5 file already exists, overwriting.")
                raise FileExistsError(f"File {self.filename_h5} already exists.")
        self._file_object_h5 = h5py.File(self.filename_h5, 'a')
        self.virtual_stacks = False
        self.setup_id_present = [[False] * self.nsetups]

    def set_attribute_labels(self, attribute: str, labels: tuple) -> None:
        Set the view attribute labels that will be visible in BDV/BigStitcher, e.g. `'channel': ('488', '561')`.

        Example: `writer.set_attribute_labels('channel', ('488', '561'))`.

            attribute: str
                One of the view attributes: 'illumination', 'channel', 'angle', 'tile'.

            labels: array-like
                Tuple of labels, e.g. for illumination, ('left', 'right'); for channel, ('488', '561').

        assert attribute in self.attribute_counts.keys(), f'Attribute must be one of {self.attribute_counts.keys()}'
        assert len(labels) == self.attribute_counts[attribute], f'Length of labels {len(labels)} must ' \
                                                   f'match the number of attributes {self.attribute_counts[attribute]}'
        self.attribute_labels[attribute] = labels

    def _compute_chunk_size(self, blockdim):
        """Populate the size of h5 chunks (blocks).
        Use first-level chunk size if there are more subsampling levels than chunk size levels.
        chunks = []
        base_level = blockdim[0]
        if len(blockdim) < len(self.subsamp):
            for ilevel in range(len(self.subsamp)):
            chunks_tuple = tuple(chunks)
            chunks_tuple = blockdim
        return chunks_tuple

    def _write_setups_header(self):
        """Write resolutions and subdivisions for all setups into h5 file."""
        for isetup in range(self.nsetups):
            group_name = 's{:02d}'.format(isetup)
            if group_name in self._file_object_h5:
                del self._file_object_h5[group_name]
            grp = self._file_object_h5.create_group(group_name)
            data_subsamp = np.flip(self.subsamp, 1)
            data_chunks = np.flip(self.chunks, 1)
            grp.create_dataset('resolutions', data=data_subsamp, dtype='<f8', maxshape=(None, 3))
            grp.create_dataset('subdivisions', data=data_chunks, dtype='<i4', maxshape=(None, 3))

    def append_plane(self, plane, z, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0):
        """Append a plane to a virtual stack. Requires stack initialization by calling e.g.
        `append_view(stack=None, virtual_stack_dim=(1000,2048,2048))` beforehand.
            plane: array_like
                A 2d numpy array of (y,x) pixel values.
            z: int
                Plane z-position in the virtual stack, >=0.
            time: int
                Time index of the view, >=0.
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >=0.
        assert self.virtual_stacks, "Appending planes requires initialization with virtual stack, " \
                                    "see append_view(stack=None,...)"
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        self._update_setup_id_present(isetup, time)
        assert plane.shape == self.stack_shapes[isetup][1:], f"Plane dimensions {plane.shape} do not match (y,x) size" \
                                                             f" of virtual stack {self.stack_shapes[isetup][1:]}."
        assert z < self.stack_shapes[isetup][0], f"Plane index {z} must be less than " \
                                                 f"virtual stack z-dimension {self.stack_shapes[isetup][0]}."
        for ilevel in range(self.nlevels):
            group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
            dataset = self._file_object_h5[group_name]["cells"]
            dataset[z, :, :] = self._subsample_plane(plane, self.subsamp[ilevel]).astype('int16')

    def append_substack(self, substack, z_start, y_start=0, x_start=0,
                        time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0):
        """Append a substack to a virtual stack. Requires stack initialization by calling e.g.
        `append_view(stack=None, virtual_stack_dim=(1000,2048,2048))` beforehand.

            substack: array_like
                A 3d numpy array of (z,y,x) pixel values.
            z_start: int
            y_start: int
            z_start: int
                Offsets (z,y,x) of the substack in the virtual stack.
            time: int
                Time index of the view, >=0.
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >=0.

        assert self.virtual_stacks, "Appending substack requires initialization with virtual stack, " \
                                    "see append_view(stack=None,...)"
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        self._update_setup_id_present(isetup, time)
        assert z_start + substack.shape[0] <= self.stack_shapes[isetup][0], \
            f"Substack offset {z_start} + z-dim {substack.shape[0]} > virtual stack z-dim {self.stack_shapes[isetup][0]}."
        assert y_start + substack.shape[1] <= self.stack_shapes[isetup][1], \
            f"Substack offset {y_start} + y-dim {substack.shape[1]} > virtual stack y-dim {self.stack_shapes[isetup][1]}."
        assert x_start + substack.shape[2] <= self.stack_shapes[isetup][2], \
            f"Substack offset {x_start} + x-dim {substack.shape[2]} > virtual stack x-dim {self.stack_shapes[isetup][2]}."
        for ilevel in range(self.nlevels):
            group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
            dataset = self._file_object_h5[group_name]["cells"]
            subdata = self._subsample_stack(substack, self.subsamp[ilevel]).astype('int16')
            dataset[z_start : z_start + substack.shape[0],
                    y_start : y_start + substack.shape[1],
                    x_start : x_start + substack.shape[2]] = subdata

    def append_view(self, stack, virtual_stack_dim=None,
                    time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0,
                    m_affine=None, name_affine='manually defined',
                    voxel_size_xyz=(1, 1, 1), voxel_units='px', calibration=(1, 1, 1),
                    exposure_time=0, exposure_units='s'):
        Write 3-dimensional numpy array (stack) to the h5 file with the specified timepoint `itime` and attributes.
            stack: numpy array (uint16) or None
                A 3-dimensional stack of uint16 data in (z,y,x) axis order.
                If None, creates an empty dataset of size huge_stack_dim.
            virtual_stack_dim: None, or tuple of (z,y,x) dimensions, optional.
                Dimensions to allocate a huge stack and fill it later by individual planes or substacks.
            time: int
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
            m_affine: a numpy array of shape (3,4), optional.
                Coefficients of affine transformation matrix (m00, m01, ...). The last column is translation in (x,y,z).
            name_affine: str, optional
                Name of the affine transformation.
            voxel_size_xyz: tuple of size 3, optional
                The physical size of voxel, in voxel_units. Default (1, 1, 1).
            voxel_units: str, optional
                Spatial units, default is 'px'.
            calibration: tuple of size 3, optional
                The anisotropy factors for (x,y,z) voxel calibration. Default (1, 1, 1).
                Leave it default unless you know how it affects transformations.
            exposure_time: float, optional
                Camera exposure time for this view, default 0.
            exposure_units: str, optional
                Time units for this view, default "s".
        assert len(calibration) == 3, "Calibration must be a tuple of 3 elements (x, y, z)."
        assert len(voxel_size_xyz) == 3, "Voxel size must be a tuple of 3 elements (x, y, z)."
        if time > self.ntimes - 1:
            self.ntimes = time + 1
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        self._update_setup_id_present(isetup, time)
        if stack is not None:
            assert len(stack.shape) == 3, "Stack should be a 3-dimensional numpy array (z,y,x)"
            self.stack_shapes[isetup] = stack.shape
            assert len(virtual_stack_dim) == 3, "Stack is virtual, so parameter virtual_stack_dim must be defined."
            self.stack_shapes[isetup] = virtual_stack_dim
            self.virtual_stacks = True

        for ilevel in range(self.nlevels):
            group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
            if group_name in self._file_object_h5:
                print(f"Overwriting H5 group {group_name}")
                del self._file_object_h5[group_name]
            grp = self._file_object_h5.create_group(group_name)
            if stack is not None:
                subdata = self._subsample_stack(stack, self.subsamp[ilevel]).astype('int16')
                grp.create_dataset('cells', data=subdata, chunks=self.chunks[ilevel],
                                   maxshape=(None, None, None), compression=self.compression, dtype='int16')
            else:  # a virtual stack initialized
                grp.create_dataset('cells', chunks=self.chunks[ilevel],
                                   shape=virtual_stack_dim // self.subsamp[ilevel],
                                   compression=self.compression, dtype='int16')
        if m_affine is not None:
            self.affine_matrices[isetup] = m_affine.copy()
            self.affine_names[isetup] = name_affine
        self.calibrations[isetup] = calibration
        self.voxel_size_xyz[isetup] = voxel_size_xyz
        self.voxel_units[isetup] = voxel_units
        self.exposure_time[isetup] = exposure_time
        self.exposure_units[isetup] = exposure_units

    def _subsample_plane(self, plane, subsamp_level):
        """Subsampling of a 2d plane.
            plane: numpy 2d array (y,x) of int16
            subsamp_level: array-like with 3 elements, eg (1,4,4) for downsampling x and y (x4).
            down-scaled plane, unit16 type.
        assert subsamp_level[0] == 1, "z-subsampling must be == 1 for virtual stacks."
        if all(subsamp_level[:] == 1):
            plane_sub = plane
            plane_sub = skimage.transform.downscale_local_mean(plane, tuple(subsamp_level[1:])).astype(np.uint16)
        return plane_sub

    def write_xml(self, camera_name="default",  microscope_name="default",
                       microscope_version="0.0", user_name="user"):
        Write XML header file for the HDF5 file.

            camera_name: str, optional
                Name of the camera (same for all setups at the moment)
            microscope_name: str, optional
            microscope_version: str, optional
            user_name: str, optional
        assert self.ntimes >= 1, "Total number of time points must be at least 1."
        root = ET.Element('SpimData')
        root.set('version', '0.2')
        bp = ET.SubElement(root, 'BasePath')
        bp.set('type', 'relative')
        bp.text = '.'
        # new XML data, added by @nvladimus
        generator = ET.SubElement(root, 'generatedBy')
        library = ET.SubElement(generator, 'library')
        library.set('version', self.__version__)
        library.text = "npy2bdv"
        microscope = ET.SubElement(generator, 'microscope')
        ET.SubElement(microscope, 'name').text = microscope_name
        ET.SubElement(microscope, 'version').text = microscope_version
        ET.SubElement(microscope, 'user').text = user_name
        # end of new XML data

        seqdesc = ET.SubElement(root, 'SequenceDescription')
        imgload = ET.SubElement(seqdesc, 'ImageLoader')
        imgload.set('format', 'bdv.hdf5')
        el = ET.SubElement(imgload, 'hdf5')
        el.set('type', 'relative')
        el.text = os.path.basename(self.filename_h5)
        # write ViewSetups
        viewsets = ET.SubElement(seqdesc, 'ViewSetups')
        for iillumination in range(self.nilluminations):
            for ichannel in range(self.nchannels):
                for itile in range(self.ntiles):
                    for iangle in range(self.nangles):
                        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(iillumination, ichannel, itile, iangle)
                        if any([self.setup_id_present[t][isetup] for t in range(len(self.setup_id_present))]):
                            vs = ET.SubElement(viewsets, 'ViewSetup')
                            ET.SubElement(vs, 'id').text = str(isetup)
                            ET.SubElement(vs, 'name').text = 'setup ' + str(isetup)
                            nz, ny, nx = tuple(self.stack_shapes[isetup])
                            ET.SubElement(vs, 'size').text = '{} {} {}'.format(nx, ny, nz)
                            vox = ET.SubElement(vs, 'voxelSize')
                            ET.SubElement(vox, 'unit').text = self.voxel_units[isetup]
                            dx, dy, dz = self.voxel_size_xyz[isetup]
                            ET.SubElement(vox, 'size').text = '{} {} {}'.format(dx, dy, dz)
                            # new XML data, added by @nvladimus
                            cam = ET.SubElement(vs, 'camera')
                            ET.SubElement(cam, 'name').text = camera_name
                            ET.SubElement(cam, 'exposureTime').text = '{}'.format(self.exposure_time[isetup])
                            ET.SubElement(cam, 'exposureUnits').text = self.exposure_units[isetup]
                            # end of new XML data
                            a = ET.SubElement(vs, 'attributes')
                            ET.SubElement(a, 'illumination').text = str(iillumination)
                            ET.SubElement(a, 'channel').text = str(ichannel)
                            ET.SubElement(a, 'tile').text = str(itile)
                            ET.SubElement(a, 'angle').text = str(iangle)

        # write Attributes
        for attribute in self.attribute_counts.keys():
            attrs = ET.SubElement(viewsets, 'Attributes')
            attrs.set('name', attribute)
            for i_attr in range(self.attribute_counts[attribute]):
                att = ET.SubElement(attrs, attribute.capitalize())
                ET.SubElement(att, 'id').text = str(i_attr)
                if attribute in self.attribute_labels.keys() and i_attr < len(self.attribute_labels[attribute]):
                    name = str(self.attribute_labels[attribute][i_attr])
                    name = str(i_attr)
                ET.SubElement(att, 'name').text = name

        # Time points
        tpoints = ET.SubElement(seqdesc, 'Timepoints')
        tpoints.set('type', 'range')
        ET.SubElement(tpoints, 'first').text = str(0)
        ET.SubElement(tpoints, 'last').text = str(self.ntimes - 1)

        # missing views
        if any(True in l for l in self.setup_id_present):
            miss_views = ET.SubElement(seqdesc, 'MissingViews')
            for t in range(len(self.setup_id_present)):
                for i in range(len(self.setup_id_present[t])):
                    if not self.setup_id_present[t][i]:
                        miss_view = ET.SubElement(miss_views, 'MissingView')
                        miss_view.set('timepoint', str(t))
                        miss_view.set('setup', str(i))

        # Transformations of coordinate system
        vregs = ET.SubElement(root, 'ViewRegistrations')
        for itime in range(self.ntimes):
            for isetup in range(self.nsetups):
                if self.setup_id_present[itime][isetup]:
                    vreg = ET.SubElement(vregs, 'ViewRegistration')
                    vreg.set('timepoint', str(itime))
                    vreg.set('setup', str(isetup))
                    # write arbitrary affine transformation, specific for each view
                    if isetup in self.affine_matrices.keys():
                        vt = ET.SubElement(vreg, 'ViewTransform')
                        vt.set('type', 'affine')
                        ET.SubElement(vt, 'Name').text = self.affine_names[isetup]
                        n_prec = 6
                        mx_string = np.array2string(self.affine_matrices[isetup].flatten(), separator=' ',
                                                    precision=n_prec, floatmode='fixed',
                        ET.SubElement(vt, 'affine').text = mx_string[1:-1].strip()

                    # write registration transformation (calibration)
                    vt = ET.SubElement(vreg, 'ViewTransform')
                    vt.set('type', 'affine')
                    ET.SubElement(vt, 'Name').text = 'calibration'
                    calx, caly, calz = self.calibrations[isetup]
                    ET.SubElement(vt, 'affine').text = \
                        '{} 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 {} 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 {} 0.0'.format(calx, caly, calz)

        tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
        tree.write(self.filename_xml, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")

    def _update_setup_id_present(self, isetup, itime):
        """Update the lookup table (list of lists) for missing setups"""
        if len(self.setup_id_present) <= itime:
            self.setup_id_present.append([False] * self.nsetups)
        self.setup_id_present[itime][isetup] = True

    def close(self):
        """Save changes and close the H5 file."""

class BdvEditor(BdvBase):

    def __init__(self, filename):
        Class for reading and editing existing H5/XML file pairs.
        Warning: Editing of H5/XML files occurs in-place, and there is currently no undo option. Use at your own risk.
        Todo: add an option to save results as new XML file.

            filename: string,
                Path to either .h5 or .xml file. The other file of the pair must be present
                in the same folder.
        assert os.path.exists(self.filename_h5), f"Error: {self.filename_h5} file not found"
        assert os.path.exists(self.filename_xml), f"Error: {self.filename_xml} file not found"
        self._file_object_h5 = h5py.File(self.filename_h5, 'r+')
        self._root = None
        self.ntimes, self.nilluminations, self.nchannels, self.ntiles, self.nangles = self.get_attribute_count()
        self.nsetups = self.nilluminations * self.nchannels * self.ntiles * self.nangles

    def get_attribute_count(self):
        """ Get the number of view attributes: time points, illuminations, channels, tiles, angles, using the XML file.
        (ntimes, nilluminations, nchannels, ntiles, nangle)
        with open(self.filename_xml, 'r') as file:
            root = ET.parse(file).getroot()
            element = root.find("./SequenceDescription/Timepoints[@type='range']")
            nt = int(element.find('last').text) - int(element.find('first').text) + 1 if element else 0
            ni = len(root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/Attributes[@name='illumination']/Illumination"))
            nch = len(root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/Attributes[@name='channel']/Channel"))
            ntiles = len(root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/Attributes[@name='tile']/Tile"))
            nang = len(root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/Attributes[@name='angle']/Angle"))
        return nt, ni, nch, ntiles, nang

    def read_view(self, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, ilevel=0):
        """Read a view (stack) specified by its time, attributes, and downsampling level into numpy array (uint16).
        Todo: implement detection of missing views using XML file, return None.

            time: int
                Index of time point (default 0).
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
            ilevel: int
                Level of subsampling, if available (default 0, no subsampling)

            dataset: numpy array (dim=3, dtype=uint16)"""
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
        if self._file_object_h5:
            dataset = self._file_object_h5[group_name]["cells"][()].astype('uint16')
            return dataset
            raise ValueError('File object is None')

    def crop_view(self, bbox_xyz=((1, -1), (1, -1), None), illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, ilevel=0):
        """Crop a view in-place, both in H5 and XML files, for all time points.

            bbox_xyz: tuple of int
                Bounding box of the crop. Default `((1, -1), (2, -2), None)` crops to view[1:-1, 2:-2, :].
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
            ilevel: int
                Level of subsampling, if available (default 0, no subsampling)
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        if self._file_object_h5:
            for time in range(self.ntimes):
                group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
                view_dataset = self._file_object_h5[group_name]["cells"]
                view_arr = view_dataset[()]
                if bbox_xyz[0]:
                    view_arr = view_arr[:, :, slice(*bbox_xyz[0])]
                if bbox_xyz[1]:
                    view_arr = view_arr[:, slice(*bbox_xyz[1]), :]
                if bbox_xyz[2]:
                    view_arr = view_arr[slice(*bbox_xyz[2]), :, :]
                view_dataset[:] = view_arr # Always use braces here! A common mistake to omit them.
            raise FileNotFoundError(self.filename_h5)
        # Edit the XML file as well.
        with open(self.filename_xml, 'r+') as file:
            for elem in self._root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/ViewSetup"):
                elem_id = elem.find("id")
                if int(elem_id.text) == isetup:
                    nz, ny, nx = tuple(view_arr.shape)
                    elem_size = elem.find("size")
                    elem_size.text = '{} {} {}'.format(nx, ny, nz)

    def get_view_property(self, key, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0) -> tuple:
        """"Get property of a vew setup from XML file. No time information required, since the setups are fixed.
        Tuples are returned in (x, y, z) order, as in the XML file.
            key: str
                Name of the property: 'voxel_size' | 'view_shape'
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
            Value of the property, a tuple.
        accepted_keys = ['voxel_size', 'view_shape']
        assert key in accepted_keys, f"Key {key} not recognized, must be one of: {accepted_keys}."
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        if key == 'voxel_size':
            path = "./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/ViewSetup/voxelSize/size"
            type_caster = float
        elif key == 'view_shape':
            path = "./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/ViewSetup/size"
            type_caster = int
        props_list = self._root.findall(path)
        # Todo: possible bug here, if the views are not in setupID order.
        assert 0 <= isetup < len(props_list), f"Setup index {isetup} out of range 0..{len(props_list)-1}"
        value = tuple([type_caster(val) for val in props_list[isetup].text.split()])
        return value

    def finalize(self):
        """Finalize the H5 and XML files: save changes and close them."""
        if self._file_object_h5 is not None:
        if self._root is not None:
            tree = ET.ElementTree(self._root)
            shutil.copy(self.filename_xml, self.filename_xml + '~1') # backup the previous XML file.
            tree.write(self.filename_xml, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")


class BdvBase (filename)

Base class for BdvWriter and BdvEditor classes. Not intended for user interaction.


filename: string,
    Path to either .h5 or .xml file. The other file of the pair will be in the same folder.
Expand source code
class BdvBase:
    __version__ = "2021.03"

    def __init__(self, filename):
        Base class for `BdvWriter` and `BdvEditor` classes. Not intended for user interaction.

            filename: string,
                Path to either .h5 or .xml file. The other file of the pair will be in the same folder.
        self._fmt = 't{:05d}/s{:02d}/{}'
        if filename[-2:] == 'h5':
            self.filename_h5 = filename
            self.filename_xml = filename[:-2] + 'xml'
        elif filename[-3:] == 'xml':
            if os.path.exists(filename):  # if the XML file already exists (editor mode)
                    et = ET.parse(filename)
                    root = et.getroot()
                    sq = root.find('SequenceDescription')
                    iml = sq.find('ImageLoader')
                    hdf5_ = iml.find('hdf5')
                    image_file_name = hdf5_.text
                    image_file = Path(filename).parent.joinpath(image_file_name)
                    self.filename_h5 = image_file
                    self.filename_xml = filename
                except Exception as e:
                    raise ValueError(f"Could no parse XML file {filename}")
            else:  # to create a new file pair H5/XML
                self.filename_h5 = filename[:-3] + 'h5'
                self.filename_xml = filename
        self._root = None
        self.nlevels = None
        self.ntimes = self.nilluminations = self.nchannels = self.ntiles = self.nangles = self.nsetups = 0
        self.compression = None
        self.compressions_supported = (None, 'gzip', 'lzf')

    def _determine_setup_id(self, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0):
        """Takes the view attributes (illumination, channel, tile, angle) and converts them into unique setup_id.
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int

            setup_id: int, >=0 (first setup)
        if self.nsetups is not None:
            setup_id_matrix = np.arange(self.nsetups)
            setup_id_matrix = setup_id_matrix.reshape((self.nilluminations, self.nchannels, self.ntiles, self.nangles))
            setup_id = setup_id_matrix[illumination, channel, tile, angle]
            setup_id = None
        return setup_id

    def _get_xml_root(self):
        """Load the meta-information information from XML header file"""
        assert os.path.exists(self.filename_xml), f"Error: {self.filename_xml} file not found"
        if self._root is None:
            with open(self.filename_xml, 'r') as file:
                self._root = ET.parse(file).getroot()

    def read_affine(self, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, index=0):
        """" Read affine matrix transformation of a view from the XML file.

            time: int
                Time index, >=0.
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
            index: int
                Index of the transformation (default 0, i.e. the top one, which is applied last).

            Numpy (3,4) float array, the transformation matrix.
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        found = False
        for node in self._root.findall('./ViewRegistrations/ViewRegistration'):
            if int(node.attrib['setup']) == isetup and int(node.attrib['timepoint']) == time:
                found = True
        assert found, f'Node not found: <ViewRegistration setup="{isetup}" timepoint="{time}">'
        assert index < len(node), f'Index {index} out of range, only {len(node)} transforms found.'
        affine_str = node[index].find('affine').text
        affine_mx = np.fromstring(affine_str, sep='\n').reshape(3,4)
        return affine_mx

    def append_affine(self, m_affine, name_affine="Appended affine transformation using npy2bdv.",
                      time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0):
        """" Append affine matrix transformation to a view.
        If using in `BdvWriter`, call `BdvWriter.write_xml_file(...)` first, to create a valid XML tree.
        The transformation will be placed on top,  e.g. executed by the BigStitcher last.
        The transformation is defined as matrix of shape (3,4).
        Each column represents coordinate unit vectors after the transformation.
        The last column represents translation in (x,y,z).

            time: int
                Time index, >=0.
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
            m_affine: numpy array of shape (3,4)
                Coefficients of affine transformation matrix (m00, m01, ...)
            name_affine: str, optional
                Name of the affine transformation.
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        assert m_affine.shape == (3,4), "m_affine must be a numpy array of shape (3,4)"
        found = False
        for node in self._root.findall('./ViewRegistrations/ViewRegistration'):
            if int(node.attrib['setup']) == isetup and int(node.attrib['timepoint']) == time:
                found = True
        assert found, f'Node not found: <ViewRegistration setup="{isetup}" timepoint="{time}">'
        vt = ET.Element('ViewTransform')
        node.insert(0, vt)
        vt.set('type', 'affine')
        ET.SubElement(vt, 'Name').text = name_affine
        n_prec = 6
        mx_string = np.array2string(m_affine.flatten(), separator=' ',
                                    precision=n_prec, floatmode='fixed',
                                    max_line_width=(n_prec + 6) * 4)
        ET.SubElement(vt, 'affine').text = mx_string[1:-1].strip()
        tree = ET.ElementTree(self._root)
        tree.write(self.filename_xml, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")

    def _xml_indent(self, elem, level=0):
        """Pretty printing function"""
        i = "\n" + level * "  "
        if len(elem):
            if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
                elem.text = i + "  "
            if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
                elem.tail = i
            for elem in elem:
                self._xml_indent(elem, level + 1)
            if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
                elem.tail = i
            if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
                elem.tail = i

    def _subsample_stack(self, stack, subsamp_level):
        """Subsampling of a 3d stack.

            stack, numpy 3d array (z,y,x) of int16
            subsamp_level, array-like with 3 elements, eg (2,4,4) for downsampling z(x2), x and y (x4).

            down-scaled stack, unit16 type.
        if all(subsamp_level[:] == 1):
            stack_sub = stack
            stack_sub = skimage.transform.downscale_local_mean(stack, tuple(subsamp_level)).astype(np.uint16)
        return stack_sub

    def _write_pyramids_header(self):
        """Write resolutions and subdivisions for all setups into h5 file."""
        for isetup in range(self.nsetups):
            group_name = 's{:02d}'.format(isetup)
            if group_name in self._file_object_h5:
                grp = self._file_object_h5[group_name]
                flipped_subsamp = np.flip(self.subsamp, 1)
                flipped_blockdim = np.flip(self.chunks, 1)
                res_dataset = grp['resolutions']
                subdiv_dataset = grp['subdivisions']
                res_dataset[:] = flipped_subsamp
                subdiv_dataset[:] = flipped_blockdim
                raise ValueError(f"Group name {group_name} not found in the H5 file.")

    def create_pyramids(self, subsamp=((4, 8, 8),), blockdim=((8, 128, 128),), compression=None) -> None:
        """ Compute and write downsampled versions (pyramids) of the existing image dataset.

        :param subsamp: tuple of tuples
                Subsampling levels in (z,y,x) order. Integers >= 1, default value ((4, 8, 8),).
        :param blockdim: tuple of tuples
                Block size for h5 storage, in pixels, in (z,y,x) order. Default ((4,256,256),).
                Optimal block size ~0.5 MB.
        :param compression: None or str
                (None, 'gzip', 'lzf'), HDF5 compression method. Default is None for high-speed writing.
        :return: None
        assert len(self.subsamp) == 1, f"Image pyramids already exist, len(self.subsamp) = {len(self.subsamp)}"
        assert len(self.chunks) == 1, f"Image pyramids already exist, len(self.chunks) = {len(self.chunks)}"
        assert self.nsetups > 0, f"Dataset has no views! self.nsetups = {self.nsetups}"
        assert self._file_object_h5 is not None, "H5 file object (self._file_object_h5) is None!"
        assert len(self.subsamp) == len(self.chunks), f"Length of subsampling tuple {len(subsamp)} must " \
                                              f"be == length of block dimensions {len(blockdim)}."
        for isub in range(len(subsamp)):
            assert sum(subsamp[isub]) > 3, f"At least one subsampling factor from {subsamp[isub]} must be > 1."
        assert compression in self.compressions_supported, f'Unknown compression, must be one of' \
                                                           f' {self.compressions_supported}'

        self.subsamp = np.asarray([self.subsamp[0]] + list(subsamp))
        self.chunks = np.asarray([self.chunks[0]] + list(blockdim))
        self.nlevels = len(self.subsamp)

        for time in trange(self.ntimes, desc='time points'):
            for isetup in trange(self.nsetups, desc='views'):
                for ilevel in range(1, self.nlevels):
                    full_res_group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, 0)
                    if full_res_group_name in self._file_object_h5:
                        raw_data = self._file_object_h5[full_res_group_name]['cells'][()].astype('uint16')
                        pyramid_group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
                        grp = self._file_object_h5.create_group(pyramid_group_name)
                        subdata = self._subsample_stack(raw_data, self.subsamp[ilevel]).astype('int16')
                        grp.create_dataset('cells', data=subdata, chunks=tuple(self.chunks[ilevel]),
                                           maxshape=(None, None, None), compression=self.compression, dtype='int16')



def append_affine(self, m_affine, name_affine='Appended affine transformation using npy2bdv.', time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0)

" Append affine matrix transformation to a view. If using in BdvWriter, call BdvWriter.write_xml_file(…) first, to create a valid XML tree. The transformation will be placed on top, e.g. executed by the BigStitcher last. The transformation is defined as matrix of shape (3,4). Each column represents coordinate unit vectors after the transformation. The last column represents translation in (x,y,z).


time: int
    Time index, >=0.
illumination: int
channel: int
tile: int
angle: int
    Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
m_affine: numpy array of shape (3,4)
    Coefficients of affine transformation matrix (m00, m01, ...)
name_affine: str, optional
    Name of the affine transformation.
Expand source code
def append_affine(self, m_affine, name_affine="Appended affine transformation using npy2bdv.",
                  time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0):
    """" Append affine matrix transformation to a view.
    If using in `BdvWriter`, call `BdvWriter.write_xml_file(...)` first, to create a valid XML tree.
    The transformation will be placed on top,  e.g. executed by the BigStitcher last.
    The transformation is defined as matrix of shape (3,4).
    Each column represents coordinate unit vectors after the transformation.
    The last column represents translation in (x,y,z).

        time: int
            Time index, >=0.
        illumination: int
        channel: int
        tile: int
        angle: int
            Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
        m_affine: numpy array of shape (3,4)
            Coefficients of affine transformation matrix (m00, m01, ...)
        name_affine: str, optional
            Name of the affine transformation.
    isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
    assert m_affine.shape == (3,4), "m_affine must be a numpy array of shape (3,4)"
    found = False
    for node in self._root.findall('./ViewRegistrations/ViewRegistration'):
        if int(node.attrib['setup']) == isetup and int(node.attrib['timepoint']) == time:
            found = True
    assert found, f'Node not found: <ViewRegistration setup="{isetup}" timepoint="{time}">'
    vt = ET.Element('ViewTransform')
    node.insert(0, vt)
    vt.set('type', 'affine')
    ET.SubElement(vt, 'Name').text = name_affine
    n_prec = 6
    mx_string = np.array2string(m_affine.flatten(), separator=' ',
                                precision=n_prec, floatmode='fixed',
                                max_line_width=(n_prec + 6) * 4)
    ET.SubElement(vt, 'affine').text = mx_string[1:-1].strip()
    tree = ET.ElementTree(self._root)
    tree.write(self.filename_xml, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")
def create_pyramids(self, subsamp=((4, 8, 8),), blockdim=((8, 128, 128),), compression=None) ‑> NoneType

Compute and write downsampled versions (pyramids) of the existing image dataset.


:param subsamp: tuple of tuples Subsampling levels in (z,y,x) order. Integers >= 1, default value ((4, 8, 8),). :param blockdim: tuple of tuples Block size for h5 storage, in pixels, in (z,y,x) order. Default ((4,256,256),). Optimal block size ~0.5 MB. :param compression: None or str (None, 'gzip', 'lzf'), HDF5 compression method. Default is None for high-speed writing. :return: None

Expand source code
def create_pyramids(self, subsamp=((4, 8, 8),), blockdim=((8, 128, 128),), compression=None) -> None:
    """ Compute and write downsampled versions (pyramids) of the existing image dataset.

    :param subsamp: tuple of tuples
            Subsampling levels in (z,y,x) order. Integers >= 1, default value ((4, 8, 8),).
    :param blockdim: tuple of tuples
            Block size for h5 storage, in pixels, in (z,y,x) order. Default ((4,256,256),).
            Optimal block size ~0.5 MB.
    :param compression: None or str
            (None, 'gzip', 'lzf'), HDF5 compression method. Default is None for high-speed writing.
    :return: None
    assert len(self.subsamp) == 1, f"Image pyramids already exist, len(self.subsamp) = {len(self.subsamp)}"
    assert len(self.chunks) == 1, f"Image pyramids already exist, len(self.chunks) = {len(self.chunks)}"
    assert self.nsetups > 0, f"Dataset has no views! self.nsetups = {self.nsetups}"
    assert self._file_object_h5 is not None, "H5 file object (self._file_object_h5) is None!"
    assert len(self.subsamp) == len(self.chunks), f"Length of subsampling tuple {len(subsamp)} must " \
                                          f"be == length of block dimensions {len(blockdim)}."
    for isub in range(len(subsamp)):
        assert sum(subsamp[isub]) > 3, f"At least one subsampling factor from {subsamp[isub]} must be > 1."
    assert compression in self.compressions_supported, f'Unknown compression, must be one of' \
                                                       f' {self.compressions_supported}'

    self.subsamp = np.asarray([self.subsamp[0]] + list(subsamp))
    self.chunks = np.asarray([self.chunks[0]] + list(blockdim))
    self.nlevels = len(self.subsamp)

    for time in trange(self.ntimes, desc='time points'):
        for isetup in trange(self.nsetups, desc='views'):
            for ilevel in range(1, self.nlevels):
                full_res_group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, 0)
                if full_res_group_name in self._file_object_h5:
                    raw_data = self._file_object_h5[full_res_group_name]['cells'][()].astype('uint16')
                    pyramid_group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
                    grp = self._file_object_h5.create_group(pyramid_group_name)
                    subdata = self._subsample_stack(raw_data, self.subsamp[ilevel]).astype('int16')
                    grp.create_dataset('cells', data=subdata, chunks=tuple(self.chunks[ilevel]),
                                       maxshape=(None, None, None), compression=self.compression, dtype='int16')
def read_affine(self, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, index=0)

" Read affine matrix transformation of a view from the XML file.


time: int
    Time index, >=0.
illumination: int
channel: int
tile: int
angle: int
    Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
index: int
    Index of the transformation (default 0, i.e. the top one, which is applied last).


Numpy (3,4) float array, the transformation matrix.
Expand source code
def read_affine(self, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, index=0):
    """" Read affine matrix transformation of a view from the XML file.

        time: int
            Time index, >=0.
        illumination: int
        channel: int
        tile: int
        angle: int
            Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
        index: int
            Index of the transformation (default 0, i.e. the top one, which is applied last).

        Numpy (3,4) float array, the transformation matrix.
    isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
    found = False
    for node in self._root.findall('./ViewRegistrations/ViewRegistration'):
        if int(node.attrib['setup']) == isetup and int(node.attrib['timepoint']) == time:
            found = True
    assert found, f'Node not found: <ViewRegistration setup="{isetup}" timepoint="{time}">'
    assert index < len(node), f'Index {index} out of range, only {len(node)} transforms found.'
    affine_str = node[index].find('affine').text
    affine_mx = np.fromstring(affine_str, sep='\n').reshape(3,4)
    return affine_mx
class BdvEditor (filename)

Class for reading and editing existing H5/XML file pairs. Warning: Editing of H5/XML files occurs in-place, and there is currently no undo option. Use at your own risk. Todo: add an option to save results as new XML file.


filename: string,
    Path to either .h5 or .xml file. The other file of the pair must be present
    in the same folder.
Expand source code
class BdvEditor(BdvBase):

    def __init__(self, filename):
        Class for reading and editing existing H5/XML file pairs.
        Warning: Editing of H5/XML files occurs in-place, and there is currently no undo option. Use at your own risk.
        Todo: add an option to save results as new XML file.

            filename: string,
                Path to either .h5 or .xml file. The other file of the pair must be present
                in the same folder.
        assert os.path.exists(self.filename_h5), f"Error: {self.filename_h5} file not found"
        assert os.path.exists(self.filename_xml), f"Error: {self.filename_xml} file not found"
        self._file_object_h5 = h5py.File(self.filename_h5, 'r+')
        self._root = None
        self.ntimes, self.nilluminations, self.nchannels, self.ntiles, self.nangles = self.get_attribute_count()
        self.nsetups = self.nilluminations * self.nchannels * self.ntiles * self.nangles

    def get_attribute_count(self):
        """ Get the number of view attributes: time points, illuminations, channels, tiles, angles, using the XML file.
        (ntimes, nilluminations, nchannels, ntiles, nangle)
        with open(self.filename_xml, 'r') as file:
            root = ET.parse(file).getroot()
            element = root.find("./SequenceDescription/Timepoints[@type='range']")
            nt = int(element.find('last').text) - int(element.find('first').text) + 1 if element else 0
            ni = len(root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/Attributes[@name='illumination']/Illumination"))
            nch = len(root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/Attributes[@name='channel']/Channel"))
            ntiles = len(root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/Attributes[@name='tile']/Tile"))
            nang = len(root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/Attributes[@name='angle']/Angle"))
        return nt, ni, nch, ntiles, nang

    def read_view(self, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, ilevel=0):
        """Read a view (stack) specified by its time, attributes, and downsampling level into numpy array (uint16).
        Todo: implement detection of missing views using XML file, return None.

            time: int
                Index of time point (default 0).
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
            ilevel: int
                Level of subsampling, if available (default 0, no subsampling)

            dataset: numpy array (dim=3, dtype=uint16)"""
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
        if self._file_object_h5:
            dataset = self._file_object_h5[group_name]["cells"][()].astype('uint16')
            return dataset
            raise ValueError('File object is None')

    def crop_view(self, bbox_xyz=((1, -1), (1, -1), None), illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, ilevel=0):
        """Crop a view in-place, both in H5 and XML files, for all time points.

            bbox_xyz: tuple of int
                Bounding box of the crop. Default `((1, -1), (2, -2), None)` crops to view[1:-1, 2:-2, :].
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
            ilevel: int
                Level of subsampling, if available (default 0, no subsampling)
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        if self._file_object_h5:
            for time in range(self.ntimes):
                group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
                view_dataset = self._file_object_h5[group_name]["cells"]
                view_arr = view_dataset[()]
                if bbox_xyz[0]:
                    view_arr = view_arr[:, :, slice(*bbox_xyz[0])]
                if bbox_xyz[1]:
                    view_arr = view_arr[:, slice(*bbox_xyz[1]), :]
                if bbox_xyz[2]:
                    view_arr = view_arr[slice(*bbox_xyz[2]), :, :]
                view_dataset[:] = view_arr # Always use braces here! A common mistake to omit them.
            raise FileNotFoundError(self.filename_h5)
        # Edit the XML file as well.
        with open(self.filename_xml, 'r+') as file:
            for elem in self._root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/ViewSetup"):
                elem_id = elem.find("id")
                if int(elem_id.text) == isetup:
                    nz, ny, nx = tuple(view_arr.shape)
                    elem_size = elem.find("size")
                    elem_size.text = '{} {} {}'.format(nx, ny, nz)

    def get_view_property(self, key, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0) -> tuple:
        """"Get property of a vew setup from XML file. No time information required, since the setups are fixed.
        Tuples are returned in (x, y, z) order, as in the XML file.
            key: str
                Name of the property: 'voxel_size' | 'view_shape'
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
            Value of the property, a tuple.
        accepted_keys = ['voxel_size', 'view_shape']
        assert key in accepted_keys, f"Key {key} not recognized, must be one of: {accepted_keys}."
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        if key == 'voxel_size':
            path = "./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/ViewSetup/voxelSize/size"
            type_caster = float
        elif key == 'view_shape':
            path = "./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/ViewSetup/size"
            type_caster = int
        props_list = self._root.findall(path)
        # Todo: possible bug here, if the views are not in setupID order.
        assert 0 <= isetup < len(props_list), f"Setup index {isetup} out of range 0..{len(props_list)-1}"
        value = tuple([type_caster(val) for val in props_list[isetup].text.split()])
        return value

    def finalize(self):
        """Finalize the H5 and XML files: save changes and close them."""
        if self._file_object_h5 is not None:
        if self._root is not None:
            tree = ET.ElementTree(self._root)
            shutil.copy(self.filename_xml, self.filename_xml + '~1') # backup the previous XML file.
            tree.write(self.filename_xml, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")



def crop_view(self, bbox_xyz=((1, -1), (1, -1), None), illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, ilevel=0)

Crop a view in-place, both in H5 and XML files, for all time points.


bbox_xyz: tuple of int
    Bounding box of the crop. Default `((1, -1), (2, -2), None)` crops to view[1:-1, 2:-2, :].
illumination: int
channel: int
tile: int
angle: int
    Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
ilevel: int
    Level of subsampling, if available (default 0, no subsampling)
Expand source code
def crop_view(self, bbox_xyz=((1, -1), (1, -1), None), illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, ilevel=0):
    """Crop a view in-place, both in H5 and XML files, for all time points.

        bbox_xyz: tuple of int
            Bounding box of the crop. Default `((1, -1), (2, -2), None)` crops to view[1:-1, 2:-2, :].
        illumination: int
        channel: int
        tile: int
        angle: int
            Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
        ilevel: int
            Level of subsampling, if available (default 0, no subsampling)
    isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
    if self._file_object_h5:
        for time in range(self.ntimes):
            group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
            view_dataset = self._file_object_h5[group_name]["cells"]
            view_arr = view_dataset[()]
            if bbox_xyz[0]:
                view_arr = view_arr[:, :, slice(*bbox_xyz[0])]
            if bbox_xyz[1]:
                view_arr = view_arr[:, slice(*bbox_xyz[1]), :]
            if bbox_xyz[2]:
                view_arr = view_arr[slice(*bbox_xyz[2]), :, :]
            view_dataset[:] = view_arr # Always use braces here! A common mistake to omit them.
        raise FileNotFoundError(self.filename_h5)
    # Edit the XML file as well.
    with open(self.filename_xml, 'r+') as file:
        for elem in self._root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/ViewSetup"):
            elem_id = elem.find("id")
            if int(elem_id.text) == isetup:
                nz, ny, nx = tuple(view_arr.shape)
                elem_size = elem.find("size")
                elem_size.text = '{} {} {}'.format(nx, ny, nz)
def finalize(self)

Finalize the H5 and XML files: save changes and close them.

Expand source code
def finalize(self):
    """Finalize the H5 and XML files: save changes and close them."""
    if self._file_object_h5 is not None:
    if self._root is not None:
        tree = ET.ElementTree(self._root)
        shutil.copy(self.filename_xml, self.filename_xml + '~1') # backup the previous XML file.
        tree.write(self.filename_xml, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")
def get_attribute_count(self)

Get the number of view attributes: time points, illuminations, channels, tiles, angles, using the XML file. Returns:

(ntimes, nilluminations, nchannels, ntiles, nangle)

Expand source code
def get_attribute_count(self):
    """ Get the number of view attributes: time points, illuminations, channels, tiles, angles, using the XML file.
    (ntimes, nilluminations, nchannels, ntiles, nangle)
    with open(self.filename_xml, 'r') as file:
        root = ET.parse(file).getroot()
        element = root.find("./SequenceDescription/Timepoints[@type='range']")
        nt = int(element.find('last').text) - int(element.find('first').text) + 1 if element else 0
        ni = len(root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/Attributes[@name='illumination']/Illumination"))
        nch = len(root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/Attributes[@name='channel']/Channel"))
        ntiles = len(root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/Attributes[@name='tile']/Tile"))
        nang = len(root.findall("./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/Attributes[@name='angle']/Angle"))
    return nt, ni, nch, ntiles, nang
def get_view_property(self, key, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0) ‑> tuple

"Get property of a vew setup from XML file. No time information required, since the setups are fixed. Tuples are returned in (x, y, z) order, as in the XML file. Parameters:

key: str
    Name of the property: 'voxel_size' | 'view_shape'
illumination: int
channel: int
tile: int
angle: int
    Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.


Value of the property, a tuple.
Expand source code
def get_view_property(self, key, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0) -> tuple:
    """"Get property of a vew setup from XML file. No time information required, since the setups are fixed.
    Tuples are returned in (x, y, z) order, as in the XML file.
        key: str
            Name of the property: 'voxel_size' | 'view_shape'
        illumination: int
        channel: int
        tile: int
        angle: int
            Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
        Value of the property, a tuple.
    accepted_keys = ['voxel_size', 'view_shape']
    assert key in accepted_keys, f"Key {key} not recognized, must be one of: {accepted_keys}."
    isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
    if key == 'voxel_size':
        path = "./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/ViewSetup/voxelSize/size"
        type_caster = float
    elif key == 'view_shape':
        path = "./SequenceDescription/ViewSetups/ViewSetup/size"
        type_caster = int
    props_list = self._root.findall(path)
    # Todo: possible bug here, if the views are not in setupID order.
    assert 0 <= isetup < len(props_list), f"Setup index {isetup} out of range 0..{len(props_list)-1}"
    value = tuple([type_caster(val) for val in props_list[isetup].text.split()])
    return value
def read_view(self, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, ilevel=0)

Read a view (stack) specified by its time, attributes, and downsampling level into numpy array (uint16). Todo: implement detection of missing views using XML file, return None.


time: int
    Index of time point (default 0).
illumination: int
channel: int
tile: int
angle: int
    Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
ilevel: int
    Level of subsampling, if available (default 0, no subsampling)


dataset: numpy array (dim=3, dtype=uint16)
Expand source code
def read_view(self, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, ilevel=0):
    """Read a view (stack) specified by its time, attributes, and downsampling level into numpy array (uint16).
    Todo: implement detection of missing views using XML file, return None.

        time: int
            Index of time point (default 0).
        illumination: int
        channel: int
        tile: int
        angle: int
            Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
        ilevel: int
            Level of subsampling, if available (default 0, no subsampling)

        dataset: numpy array (dim=3, dtype=uint16)"""
    isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
    group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
    if self._file_object_h5:
        dataset = self._file_object_h5[group_name]["cells"][()].astype('uint16')
        return dataset
        raise ValueError('File object is None')

Inherited members

class BdvWriter (filename, subsamp=((1, 1, 1),), blockdim=((4, 256, 256),), compression=None, nilluminations=1, nchannels=1, ntiles=1, nangles=1, overwrite=False)

Class for writing multiple numpy 3d-arrays into BigDataViewer/BigStitcher HDF5 file.


filename: string
    File name (full path).
subsamp: tuple of tuples
    Subsampling levels in (z,y,x) order. Integers >= 1, default value ((1, 1, 1),) for no subsampling.
blockdim: tuple of tuples
    Block size for h5 storage, in pixels, in (z,y,x) order. Default ((4,256,256),), see notes.
compression: None or str
    (None, 'gzip', 'lzf'), HDF5 compression method. Default is None for high-speed writing.
nilluminations: int
nchannels: int
ntiles: int
nangles: int
    Number of view attributes, >=1.
overwrite: boolean
    If True, overwrite existing file. Default False.


Input stacks and output files are assumed uint16 type.

The h5 recommended block (chunk) size should be between 10 KB and 1 MB, larger for large arrays. For example, block dimensions (4,256,256)px gives ~0.5MB block size for type int16 (2 bytes) and writes very fast. Block size can be larger than stack dimension.

Expand source code
class BdvWriter(BdvBase):

    def __init__(self, filename,
                 subsamp=((1, 1, 1),),
                 blockdim=((4, 256, 256),),
                 nilluminations=1, nchannels=1, ntiles=1, nangles=1,
        """Class for writing multiple numpy 3d-arrays into BigDataViewer/BigStitcher HDF5 file.

            filename: string
                File name (full path).
            subsamp: tuple of tuples
                Subsampling levels in (z,y,x) order. Integers >= 1, default value ((1, 1, 1),) for no subsampling.
            blockdim: tuple of tuples
                Block size for h5 storage, in pixels, in (z,y,x) order. Default ((4,256,256),), see notes.
            compression: None or str
                (None, 'gzip', 'lzf'), HDF5 compression method. Default is None for high-speed writing.
            nilluminations: int
            nchannels: int
            ntiles: int
            nangles: int
                Number of view attributes, >=1.
            overwrite: boolean
                If True, overwrite existing file. Default False.

        .. note::
        Input stacks and output files are assumed uint16 type.

        The h5 recommended block (chunk) size should be between 10 KB and 1 MB, larger for large arrays.
        For example, block dimensions (4,256,256)px gives ~0.5MB block size for type int16 (2 bytes) and writes very fast.
        Block size can be larger than stack dimension.
        assert nilluminations >= 1, "Total number of illuminations must be at least 1."
        assert nchannels >= 1, "Total number of channels must be at least 1."
        assert ntiles >= 1, "Total number of tiles must be at least 1."
        assert nangles >= 1, "Total number of angles must be at least 1."
        assert compression in self.compressions_supported, f'Unknown compression, must be one of' \
                                                           f' {self.compressions_supported}'
        assert all([isinstance(element, int) for tupl in subsamp for element in
                    tupl]), 'subsamp values should be integers >= 1.'
        if len(blockdim) < len(subsamp):
            print(f"INFO: blockdim levels ({len(blockdim)}) < subsamp levels ({len(subsamp)}):"
                  f" First-level block size {blockdim[0]} will be used for all levels")
        self.nsetups = nilluminations * nchannels * ntiles * nangles
        self.nilluminations = nilluminations
        self.nchannels = nchannels
        self.ntiles = ntiles
        self.nangles = nangles
        self.attribute_counts = {'illumination': self.nilluminations, 'channel': self.nchannels,
                                 'angle': self.nangles, 'tile': self.ntiles}
        self.subsamp = np.asarray(subsamp)
        self.nlevels = len(subsamp)
        self.chunks = self._compute_chunk_size(blockdim)
        self.stack_shapes = {}
        self.affine_matrices = {}
        self.affine_names = {}
        self.calibrations = {}
        self.voxel_size_xyz = {}
        self.voxel_units = {}
        self.exposure_time = {}
        self.exposure_units = {}
        self.attribute_labels = {}
        self.compression = compression
        if os.path.exists(self.filename_h5):
            if overwrite:
                print("Warning: H5 file already exists, overwriting.")
                raise FileExistsError(f"File {self.filename_h5} already exists.")
        self._file_object_h5 = h5py.File(self.filename_h5, 'a')
        self.virtual_stacks = False
        self.setup_id_present = [[False] * self.nsetups]

    def set_attribute_labels(self, attribute: str, labels: tuple) -> None:
        Set the view attribute labels that will be visible in BDV/BigStitcher, e.g. `'channel': ('488', '561')`.

        Example: `writer.set_attribute_labels('channel', ('488', '561'))`.

            attribute: str
                One of the view attributes: 'illumination', 'channel', 'angle', 'tile'.

            labels: array-like
                Tuple of labels, e.g. for illumination, ('left', 'right'); for channel, ('488', '561').

        assert attribute in self.attribute_counts.keys(), f'Attribute must be one of {self.attribute_counts.keys()}'
        assert len(labels) == self.attribute_counts[attribute], f'Length of labels {len(labels)} must ' \
                                                   f'match the number of attributes {self.attribute_counts[attribute]}'
        self.attribute_labels[attribute] = labels

    def _compute_chunk_size(self, blockdim):
        """Populate the size of h5 chunks (blocks).
        Use first-level chunk size if there are more subsampling levels than chunk size levels.
        chunks = []
        base_level = blockdim[0]
        if len(blockdim) < len(self.subsamp):
            for ilevel in range(len(self.subsamp)):
            chunks_tuple = tuple(chunks)
            chunks_tuple = blockdim
        return chunks_tuple

    def _write_setups_header(self):
        """Write resolutions and subdivisions for all setups into h5 file."""
        for isetup in range(self.nsetups):
            group_name = 's{:02d}'.format(isetup)
            if group_name in self._file_object_h5:
                del self._file_object_h5[group_name]
            grp = self._file_object_h5.create_group(group_name)
            data_subsamp = np.flip(self.subsamp, 1)
            data_chunks = np.flip(self.chunks, 1)
            grp.create_dataset('resolutions', data=data_subsamp, dtype='<f8', maxshape=(None, 3))
            grp.create_dataset('subdivisions', data=data_chunks, dtype='<i4', maxshape=(None, 3))

    def append_plane(self, plane, z, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0):
        """Append a plane to a virtual stack. Requires stack initialization by calling e.g.
        `append_view(stack=None, virtual_stack_dim=(1000,2048,2048))` beforehand.
            plane: array_like
                A 2d numpy array of (y,x) pixel values.
            z: int
                Plane z-position in the virtual stack, >=0.
            time: int
                Time index of the view, >=0.
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >=0.
        assert self.virtual_stacks, "Appending planes requires initialization with virtual stack, " \
                                    "see append_view(stack=None,...)"
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        self._update_setup_id_present(isetup, time)
        assert plane.shape == self.stack_shapes[isetup][1:], f"Plane dimensions {plane.shape} do not match (y,x) size" \
                                                             f" of virtual stack {self.stack_shapes[isetup][1:]}."
        assert z < self.stack_shapes[isetup][0], f"Plane index {z} must be less than " \
                                                 f"virtual stack z-dimension {self.stack_shapes[isetup][0]}."
        for ilevel in range(self.nlevels):
            group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
            dataset = self._file_object_h5[group_name]["cells"]
            dataset[z, :, :] = self._subsample_plane(plane, self.subsamp[ilevel]).astype('int16')

    def append_substack(self, substack, z_start, y_start=0, x_start=0,
                        time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0):
        """Append a substack to a virtual stack. Requires stack initialization by calling e.g.
        `append_view(stack=None, virtual_stack_dim=(1000,2048,2048))` beforehand.

            substack: array_like
                A 3d numpy array of (z,y,x) pixel values.
            z_start: int
            y_start: int
            z_start: int
                Offsets (z,y,x) of the substack in the virtual stack.
            time: int
                Time index of the view, >=0.
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >=0.

        assert self.virtual_stacks, "Appending substack requires initialization with virtual stack, " \
                                    "see append_view(stack=None,...)"
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        self._update_setup_id_present(isetup, time)
        assert z_start + substack.shape[0] <= self.stack_shapes[isetup][0], \
            f"Substack offset {z_start} + z-dim {substack.shape[0]} > virtual stack z-dim {self.stack_shapes[isetup][0]}."
        assert y_start + substack.shape[1] <= self.stack_shapes[isetup][1], \
            f"Substack offset {y_start} + y-dim {substack.shape[1]} > virtual stack y-dim {self.stack_shapes[isetup][1]}."
        assert x_start + substack.shape[2] <= self.stack_shapes[isetup][2], \
            f"Substack offset {x_start} + x-dim {substack.shape[2]} > virtual stack x-dim {self.stack_shapes[isetup][2]}."
        for ilevel in range(self.nlevels):
            group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
            dataset = self._file_object_h5[group_name]["cells"]
            subdata = self._subsample_stack(substack, self.subsamp[ilevel]).astype('int16')
            dataset[z_start : z_start + substack.shape[0],
                    y_start : y_start + substack.shape[1],
                    x_start : x_start + substack.shape[2]] = subdata

    def append_view(self, stack, virtual_stack_dim=None,
                    time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0,
                    m_affine=None, name_affine='manually defined',
                    voxel_size_xyz=(1, 1, 1), voxel_units='px', calibration=(1, 1, 1),
                    exposure_time=0, exposure_units='s'):
        Write 3-dimensional numpy array (stack) to the h5 file with the specified timepoint `itime` and attributes.
            stack: numpy array (uint16) or None
                A 3-dimensional stack of uint16 data in (z,y,x) axis order.
                If None, creates an empty dataset of size huge_stack_dim.
            virtual_stack_dim: None, or tuple of (z,y,x) dimensions, optional.
                Dimensions to allocate a huge stack and fill it later by individual planes or substacks.
            time: int
            illumination: int
            channel: int
            tile: int
            angle: int
                Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
            m_affine: a numpy array of shape (3,4), optional.
                Coefficients of affine transformation matrix (m00, m01, ...). The last column is translation in (x,y,z).
            name_affine: str, optional
                Name of the affine transformation.
            voxel_size_xyz: tuple of size 3, optional
                The physical size of voxel, in voxel_units. Default (1, 1, 1).
            voxel_units: str, optional
                Spatial units, default is 'px'.
            calibration: tuple of size 3, optional
                The anisotropy factors for (x,y,z) voxel calibration. Default (1, 1, 1).
                Leave it default unless you know how it affects transformations.
            exposure_time: float, optional
                Camera exposure time for this view, default 0.
            exposure_units: str, optional
                Time units for this view, default "s".
        assert len(calibration) == 3, "Calibration must be a tuple of 3 elements (x, y, z)."
        assert len(voxel_size_xyz) == 3, "Voxel size must be a tuple of 3 elements (x, y, z)."
        if time > self.ntimes - 1:
            self.ntimes = time + 1
        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
        self._update_setup_id_present(isetup, time)
        if stack is not None:
            assert len(stack.shape) == 3, "Stack should be a 3-dimensional numpy array (z,y,x)"
            self.stack_shapes[isetup] = stack.shape
            assert len(virtual_stack_dim) == 3, "Stack is virtual, so parameter virtual_stack_dim must be defined."
            self.stack_shapes[isetup] = virtual_stack_dim
            self.virtual_stacks = True

        for ilevel in range(self.nlevels):
            group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
            if group_name in self._file_object_h5:
                print(f"Overwriting H5 group {group_name}")
                del self._file_object_h5[group_name]
            grp = self._file_object_h5.create_group(group_name)
            if stack is not None:
                subdata = self._subsample_stack(stack, self.subsamp[ilevel]).astype('int16')
                grp.create_dataset('cells', data=subdata, chunks=self.chunks[ilevel],
                                   maxshape=(None, None, None), compression=self.compression, dtype='int16')
            else:  # a virtual stack initialized
                grp.create_dataset('cells', chunks=self.chunks[ilevel],
                                   shape=virtual_stack_dim // self.subsamp[ilevel],
                                   compression=self.compression, dtype='int16')
        if m_affine is not None:
            self.affine_matrices[isetup] = m_affine.copy()
            self.affine_names[isetup] = name_affine
        self.calibrations[isetup] = calibration
        self.voxel_size_xyz[isetup] = voxel_size_xyz
        self.voxel_units[isetup] = voxel_units
        self.exposure_time[isetup] = exposure_time
        self.exposure_units[isetup] = exposure_units

    def _subsample_plane(self, plane, subsamp_level):
        """Subsampling of a 2d plane.
            plane: numpy 2d array (y,x) of int16
            subsamp_level: array-like with 3 elements, eg (1,4,4) for downsampling x and y (x4).
            down-scaled plane, unit16 type.
        assert subsamp_level[0] == 1, "z-subsampling must be == 1 for virtual stacks."
        if all(subsamp_level[:] == 1):
            plane_sub = plane
            plane_sub = skimage.transform.downscale_local_mean(plane, tuple(subsamp_level[1:])).astype(np.uint16)
        return plane_sub

    def write_xml(self, camera_name="default",  microscope_name="default",
                       microscope_version="0.0", user_name="user"):
        Write XML header file for the HDF5 file.

            camera_name: str, optional
                Name of the camera (same for all setups at the moment)
            microscope_name: str, optional
            microscope_version: str, optional
            user_name: str, optional
        assert self.ntimes >= 1, "Total number of time points must be at least 1."
        root = ET.Element('SpimData')
        root.set('version', '0.2')
        bp = ET.SubElement(root, 'BasePath')
        bp.set('type', 'relative')
        bp.text = '.'
        # new XML data, added by @nvladimus
        generator = ET.SubElement(root, 'generatedBy')
        library = ET.SubElement(generator, 'library')
        library.set('version', self.__version__)
        library.text = "npy2bdv"
        microscope = ET.SubElement(generator, 'microscope')
        ET.SubElement(microscope, 'name').text = microscope_name
        ET.SubElement(microscope, 'version').text = microscope_version
        ET.SubElement(microscope, 'user').text = user_name
        # end of new XML data

        seqdesc = ET.SubElement(root, 'SequenceDescription')
        imgload = ET.SubElement(seqdesc, 'ImageLoader')
        imgload.set('format', 'bdv.hdf5')
        el = ET.SubElement(imgload, 'hdf5')
        el.set('type', 'relative')
        el.text = os.path.basename(self.filename_h5)
        # write ViewSetups
        viewsets = ET.SubElement(seqdesc, 'ViewSetups')
        for iillumination in range(self.nilluminations):
            for ichannel in range(self.nchannels):
                for itile in range(self.ntiles):
                    for iangle in range(self.nangles):
                        isetup = self._determine_setup_id(iillumination, ichannel, itile, iangle)
                        if any([self.setup_id_present[t][isetup] for t in range(len(self.setup_id_present))]):
                            vs = ET.SubElement(viewsets, 'ViewSetup')
                            ET.SubElement(vs, 'id').text = str(isetup)
                            ET.SubElement(vs, 'name').text = 'setup ' + str(isetup)
                            nz, ny, nx = tuple(self.stack_shapes[isetup])
                            ET.SubElement(vs, 'size').text = '{} {} {}'.format(nx, ny, nz)
                            vox = ET.SubElement(vs, 'voxelSize')
                            ET.SubElement(vox, 'unit').text = self.voxel_units[isetup]
                            dx, dy, dz = self.voxel_size_xyz[isetup]
                            ET.SubElement(vox, 'size').text = '{} {} {}'.format(dx, dy, dz)
                            # new XML data, added by @nvladimus
                            cam = ET.SubElement(vs, 'camera')
                            ET.SubElement(cam, 'name').text = camera_name
                            ET.SubElement(cam, 'exposureTime').text = '{}'.format(self.exposure_time[isetup])
                            ET.SubElement(cam, 'exposureUnits').text = self.exposure_units[isetup]
                            # end of new XML data
                            a = ET.SubElement(vs, 'attributes')
                            ET.SubElement(a, 'illumination').text = str(iillumination)
                            ET.SubElement(a, 'channel').text = str(ichannel)
                            ET.SubElement(a, 'tile').text = str(itile)
                            ET.SubElement(a, 'angle').text = str(iangle)

        # write Attributes
        for attribute in self.attribute_counts.keys():
            attrs = ET.SubElement(viewsets, 'Attributes')
            attrs.set('name', attribute)
            for i_attr in range(self.attribute_counts[attribute]):
                att = ET.SubElement(attrs, attribute.capitalize())
                ET.SubElement(att, 'id').text = str(i_attr)
                if attribute in self.attribute_labels.keys() and i_attr < len(self.attribute_labels[attribute]):
                    name = str(self.attribute_labels[attribute][i_attr])
                    name = str(i_attr)
                ET.SubElement(att, 'name').text = name

        # Time points
        tpoints = ET.SubElement(seqdesc, 'Timepoints')
        tpoints.set('type', 'range')
        ET.SubElement(tpoints, 'first').text = str(0)
        ET.SubElement(tpoints, 'last').text = str(self.ntimes - 1)

        # missing views
        if any(True in l for l in self.setup_id_present):
            miss_views = ET.SubElement(seqdesc, 'MissingViews')
            for t in range(len(self.setup_id_present)):
                for i in range(len(self.setup_id_present[t])):
                    if not self.setup_id_present[t][i]:
                        miss_view = ET.SubElement(miss_views, 'MissingView')
                        miss_view.set('timepoint', str(t))
                        miss_view.set('setup', str(i))

        # Transformations of coordinate system
        vregs = ET.SubElement(root, 'ViewRegistrations')
        for itime in range(self.ntimes):
            for isetup in range(self.nsetups):
                if self.setup_id_present[itime][isetup]:
                    vreg = ET.SubElement(vregs, 'ViewRegistration')
                    vreg.set('timepoint', str(itime))
                    vreg.set('setup', str(isetup))
                    # write arbitrary affine transformation, specific for each view
                    if isetup in self.affine_matrices.keys():
                        vt = ET.SubElement(vreg, 'ViewTransform')
                        vt.set('type', 'affine')
                        ET.SubElement(vt, 'Name').text = self.affine_names[isetup]
                        n_prec = 6
                        mx_string = np.array2string(self.affine_matrices[isetup].flatten(), separator=' ',
                                                    precision=n_prec, floatmode='fixed',
                        ET.SubElement(vt, 'affine').text = mx_string[1:-1].strip()

                    # write registration transformation (calibration)
                    vt = ET.SubElement(vreg, 'ViewTransform')
                    vt.set('type', 'affine')
                    ET.SubElement(vt, 'Name').text = 'calibration'
                    calx, caly, calz = self.calibrations[isetup]
                    ET.SubElement(vt, 'affine').text = \
                        '{} 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 {} 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 {} 0.0'.format(calx, caly, calz)

        tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
        tree.write(self.filename_xml, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")

    def _update_setup_id_present(self, isetup, itime):
        """Update the lookup table (list of lists) for missing setups"""
        if len(self.setup_id_present) <= itime:
            self.setup_id_present.append([False] * self.nsetups)
        self.setup_id_present[itime][isetup] = True

    def close(self):
        """Save changes and close the H5 file."""



def append_plane(self, plane, z, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0)

Append a plane to a virtual stack. Requires stack initialization by calling e.g. append_view(stack=None, virtual_stack_dim=(1000,2048,2048)) beforehand.


plane: array_like
    A 2d numpy array of (y,x) pixel values.
z: int
    Plane z-position in the virtual stack, >=0.
time: int
    Time index of the view, >=0.
illumination: int
channel: int
tile: int
angle: int
    Indices of the view attributes, >=0.
Expand source code
def append_plane(self, plane, z, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0):
    """Append a plane to a virtual stack. Requires stack initialization by calling e.g.
    `append_view(stack=None, virtual_stack_dim=(1000,2048,2048))` beforehand.
        plane: array_like
            A 2d numpy array of (y,x) pixel values.
        z: int
            Plane z-position in the virtual stack, >=0.
        time: int
            Time index of the view, >=0.
        illumination: int
        channel: int
        tile: int
        angle: int
            Indices of the view attributes, >=0.
    assert self.virtual_stacks, "Appending planes requires initialization with virtual stack, " \
                                "see append_view(stack=None,...)"
    isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
    self._update_setup_id_present(isetup, time)
    assert plane.shape == self.stack_shapes[isetup][1:], f"Plane dimensions {plane.shape} do not match (y,x) size" \
                                                         f" of virtual stack {self.stack_shapes[isetup][1:]}."
    assert z < self.stack_shapes[isetup][0], f"Plane index {z} must be less than " \
                                             f"virtual stack z-dimension {self.stack_shapes[isetup][0]}."
    for ilevel in range(self.nlevels):
        group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
        dataset = self._file_object_h5[group_name]["cells"]
        dataset[z, :, :] = self._subsample_plane(plane, self.subsamp[ilevel]).astype('int16')
def append_substack(self, substack, z_start, y_start=0, x_start=0, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0)

Append a substack to a virtual stack. Requires stack initialization by calling e.g. append_view(stack=None, virtual_stack_dim=(1000,2048,2048)) beforehand.


substack: array_like
    A 3d numpy array of (z,y,x) pixel values.
z_start: int
y_start: int
z_start: int
    Offsets (z,y,x) of the substack in the virtual stack.
time: int
    Time index of the view, >=0.
illumination: int
channel: int
tile: int
angle: int
    Indices of the view attributes, >=0.
Expand source code
def append_substack(self, substack, z_start, y_start=0, x_start=0,
                    time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0):
    """Append a substack to a virtual stack. Requires stack initialization by calling e.g.
    `append_view(stack=None, virtual_stack_dim=(1000,2048,2048))` beforehand.

        substack: array_like
            A 3d numpy array of (z,y,x) pixel values.
        z_start: int
        y_start: int
        z_start: int
            Offsets (z,y,x) of the substack in the virtual stack.
        time: int
            Time index of the view, >=0.
        illumination: int
        channel: int
        tile: int
        angle: int
            Indices of the view attributes, >=0.

    assert self.virtual_stacks, "Appending substack requires initialization with virtual stack, " \
                                "see append_view(stack=None,...)"
    isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
    self._update_setup_id_present(isetup, time)
    assert z_start + substack.shape[0] <= self.stack_shapes[isetup][0], \
        f"Substack offset {z_start} + z-dim {substack.shape[0]} > virtual stack z-dim {self.stack_shapes[isetup][0]}."
    assert y_start + substack.shape[1] <= self.stack_shapes[isetup][1], \
        f"Substack offset {y_start} + y-dim {substack.shape[1]} > virtual stack y-dim {self.stack_shapes[isetup][1]}."
    assert x_start + substack.shape[2] <= self.stack_shapes[isetup][2], \
        f"Substack offset {x_start} + x-dim {substack.shape[2]} > virtual stack x-dim {self.stack_shapes[isetup][2]}."
    for ilevel in range(self.nlevels):
        group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
        dataset = self._file_object_h5[group_name]["cells"]
        subdata = self._subsample_stack(substack, self.subsamp[ilevel]).astype('int16')
        dataset[z_start : z_start + substack.shape[0],
                y_start : y_start + substack.shape[1],
                x_start : x_start + substack.shape[2]] = subdata
def append_view(self, stack, virtual_stack_dim=None, time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0, m_affine=None, name_affine='manually defined', voxel_size_xyz=(1, 1, 1), voxel_units='px', calibration=(1, 1, 1), exposure_time=0, exposure_units='s')

Write 3-dimensional numpy array (stack) to the h5 file with the specified timepoint itime and attributes.


stack: numpy array (uint16) or None
    A 3-dimensional stack of uint16 data in (z,y,x) axis order.
    If None, creates an empty dataset of size huge_stack_dim.
virtual_stack_dim: None, or tuple of (z,y,x) dimensions, optional.
    Dimensions to allocate a huge stack and fill it later by individual planes or substacks.
time: int
illumination: int
channel: int
tile: int
angle: int
    Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
m_affine: a numpy array of shape (3,4), optional.
    Coefficients of affine transformation matrix (m00, m01, ...). The last column is translation in (x,y,z).
name_affine: str, optional
    Name of the affine transformation.
voxel_size_xyz: tuple of size 3, optional
    The physical size of voxel, in voxel_units. Default (1, 1, 1).
voxel_units: str, optional
    Spatial units, default is 'px'.
calibration: tuple of size 3, optional
    The anisotropy factors for (x,y,z) voxel calibration. Default (1, 1, 1).
    Leave it default unless you know how it affects transformations.
exposure_time: float, optional
    Camera exposure time for this view, default 0.
exposure_units: str, optional
    Time units for this view, default "s".
Expand source code
def append_view(self, stack, virtual_stack_dim=None,
                time=0, illumination=0, channel=0, tile=0, angle=0,
                m_affine=None, name_affine='manually defined',
                voxel_size_xyz=(1, 1, 1), voxel_units='px', calibration=(1, 1, 1),
                exposure_time=0, exposure_units='s'):
    Write 3-dimensional numpy array (stack) to the h5 file with the specified timepoint `itime` and attributes.
        stack: numpy array (uint16) or None
            A 3-dimensional stack of uint16 data in (z,y,x) axis order.
            If None, creates an empty dataset of size huge_stack_dim.
        virtual_stack_dim: None, or tuple of (z,y,x) dimensions, optional.
            Dimensions to allocate a huge stack and fill it later by individual planes or substacks.
        time: int
        illumination: int
        channel: int
        tile: int
        angle: int
            Indices of the view attributes, >= 0.
        m_affine: a numpy array of shape (3,4), optional.
            Coefficients of affine transformation matrix (m00, m01, ...). The last column is translation in (x,y,z).
        name_affine: str, optional
            Name of the affine transformation.
        voxel_size_xyz: tuple of size 3, optional
            The physical size of voxel, in voxel_units. Default (1, 1, 1).
        voxel_units: str, optional
            Spatial units, default is 'px'.
        calibration: tuple of size 3, optional
            The anisotropy factors for (x,y,z) voxel calibration. Default (1, 1, 1).
            Leave it default unless you know how it affects transformations.
        exposure_time: float, optional
            Camera exposure time for this view, default 0.
        exposure_units: str, optional
            Time units for this view, default "s".
    assert len(calibration) == 3, "Calibration must be a tuple of 3 elements (x, y, z)."
    assert len(voxel_size_xyz) == 3, "Voxel size must be a tuple of 3 elements (x, y, z)."
    if time > self.ntimes - 1:
        self.ntimes = time + 1
    isetup = self._determine_setup_id(illumination, channel, tile, angle)
    self._update_setup_id_present(isetup, time)
    if stack is not None:
        assert len(stack.shape) == 3, "Stack should be a 3-dimensional numpy array (z,y,x)"
        self.stack_shapes[isetup] = stack.shape
        assert len(virtual_stack_dim) == 3, "Stack is virtual, so parameter virtual_stack_dim must be defined."
        self.stack_shapes[isetup] = virtual_stack_dim
        self.virtual_stacks = True

    for ilevel in range(self.nlevels):
        group_name = self._fmt.format(time, isetup, ilevel)
        if group_name in self._file_object_h5:
            print(f"Overwriting H5 group {group_name}")
            del self._file_object_h5[group_name]
        grp = self._file_object_h5.create_group(group_name)
        if stack is not None:
            subdata = self._subsample_stack(stack, self.subsamp[ilevel]).astype('int16')
            grp.create_dataset('cells', data=subdata, chunks=self.chunks[ilevel],
                               maxshape=(None, None, None), compression=self.compression, dtype='int16')
        else:  # a virtual stack initialized
            grp.create_dataset('cells', chunks=self.chunks[ilevel],
                               shape=virtual_stack_dim // self.subsamp[ilevel],
                               compression=self.compression, dtype='int16')
    if m_affine is not None:
        self.affine_matrices[isetup] = m_affine.copy()
        self.affine_names[isetup] = name_affine
    self.calibrations[isetup] = calibration
    self.voxel_size_xyz[isetup] = voxel_size_xyz
    self.voxel_units[isetup] = voxel_units
    self.exposure_time[isetup] = exposure_time
    self.exposure_units[isetup] = exposure_units
def close(self)

Save changes and close the H5 file.

Expand source code
def close(self):
    """Save changes and close the H5 file."""
def set_attribute_labels(self, attribute: str, labels: tuple) ‑> NoneType

Set the view attribute labels that will be visible in BDV/BigStitcher, e.g. 'channel': ('488', '561').

Example: writer.set_attribute_labels('channel', ('488', '561')).


attribute: str
    One of the view attributes: 'illumination', 'channel', 'angle', 'tile'.

labels: array-like
    Tuple of labels, e.g. for illumination, ('left', 'right'); for channel, ('488', '561').
Expand source code
def set_attribute_labels(self, attribute: str, labels: tuple) -> None:
    Set the view attribute labels that will be visible in BDV/BigStitcher, e.g. `'channel': ('488', '561')`.

    Example: `writer.set_attribute_labels('channel', ('488', '561'))`.

        attribute: str
            One of the view attributes: 'illumination', 'channel', 'angle', 'tile'.

        labels: array-like
            Tuple of labels, e.g. for illumination, ('left', 'right'); for channel, ('488', '561').

    assert attribute in self.attribute_counts.keys(), f'Attribute must be one of {self.attribute_counts.keys()}'
    assert len(labels) == self.attribute_counts[attribute], f'Length of labels {len(labels)} must ' \
                                               f'match the number of attributes {self.attribute_counts[attribute]}'
    self.attribute_labels[attribute] = labels
def write_xml(self, camera_name='default', microscope_name='default', microscope_version='0.0', user_name='user')

Write XML header file for the HDF5 file.


camera_name: str, optional
    Name of the camera (same for all setups at the moment)
microscope_name: str, optional
microscope_version: str, optional
user_name: str, optional
Expand source code
def write_xml(self, camera_name="default",  microscope_name="default",
                   microscope_version="0.0", user_name="user"):
    Write XML header file for the HDF5 file.

        camera_name: str, optional
            Name of the camera (same for all setups at the moment)
        microscope_name: str, optional
        microscope_version: str, optional
        user_name: str, optional
    assert self.ntimes >= 1, "Total number of time points must be at least 1."
    root = ET.Element('SpimData')
    root.set('version', '0.2')
    bp = ET.SubElement(root, 'BasePath')
    bp.set('type', 'relative')
    bp.text = '.'
    # new XML data, added by @nvladimus
    generator = ET.SubElement(root, 'generatedBy')
    library = ET.SubElement(generator, 'library')
    library.set('version', self.__version__)
    library.text = "npy2bdv"
    microscope = ET.SubElement(generator, 'microscope')
    ET.SubElement(microscope, 'name').text = microscope_name
    ET.SubElement(microscope, 'version').text = microscope_version
    ET.SubElement(microscope, 'user').text = user_name
    # end of new XML data

    seqdesc = ET.SubElement(root, 'SequenceDescription')
    imgload = ET.SubElement(seqdesc, 'ImageLoader')
    imgload.set('format', 'bdv.hdf5')
    el = ET.SubElement(imgload, 'hdf5')
    el.set('type', 'relative')
    el.text = os.path.basename(self.filename_h5)
    # write ViewSetups
    viewsets = ET.SubElement(seqdesc, 'ViewSetups')
    for iillumination in range(self.nilluminations):
        for ichannel in range(self.nchannels):
            for itile in range(self.ntiles):
                for iangle in range(self.nangles):
                    isetup = self._determine_setup_id(iillumination, ichannel, itile, iangle)
                    if any([self.setup_id_present[t][isetup] for t in range(len(self.setup_id_present))]):
                        vs = ET.SubElement(viewsets, 'ViewSetup')
                        ET.SubElement(vs, 'id').text = str(isetup)
                        ET.SubElement(vs, 'name').text = 'setup ' + str(isetup)
                        nz, ny, nx = tuple(self.stack_shapes[isetup])
                        ET.SubElement(vs, 'size').text = '{} {} {}'.format(nx, ny, nz)
                        vox = ET.SubElement(vs, 'voxelSize')
                        ET.SubElement(vox, 'unit').text = self.voxel_units[isetup]
                        dx, dy, dz = self.voxel_size_xyz[isetup]
                        ET.SubElement(vox, 'size').text = '{} {} {}'.format(dx, dy, dz)
                        # new XML data, added by @nvladimus
                        cam = ET.SubElement(vs, 'camera')
                        ET.SubElement(cam, 'name').text = camera_name
                        ET.SubElement(cam, 'exposureTime').text = '{}'.format(self.exposure_time[isetup])
                        ET.SubElement(cam, 'exposureUnits').text = self.exposure_units[isetup]
                        # end of new XML data
                        a = ET.SubElement(vs, 'attributes')
                        ET.SubElement(a, 'illumination').text = str(iillumination)
                        ET.SubElement(a, 'channel').text = str(ichannel)
                        ET.SubElement(a, 'tile').text = str(itile)
                        ET.SubElement(a, 'angle').text = str(iangle)

    # write Attributes
    for attribute in self.attribute_counts.keys():
        attrs = ET.SubElement(viewsets, 'Attributes')
        attrs.set('name', attribute)
        for i_attr in range(self.attribute_counts[attribute]):
            att = ET.SubElement(attrs, attribute.capitalize())
            ET.SubElement(att, 'id').text = str(i_attr)
            if attribute in self.attribute_labels.keys() and i_attr < len(self.attribute_labels[attribute]):
                name = str(self.attribute_labels[attribute][i_attr])
                name = str(i_attr)
            ET.SubElement(att, 'name').text = name

    # Time points
    tpoints = ET.SubElement(seqdesc, 'Timepoints')
    tpoints.set('type', 'range')
    ET.SubElement(tpoints, 'first').text = str(0)
    ET.SubElement(tpoints, 'last').text = str(self.ntimes - 1)

    # missing views
    if any(True in l for l in self.setup_id_present):
        miss_views = ET.SubElement(seqdesc, 'MissingViews')
        for t in range(len(self.setup_id_present)):
            for i in range(len(self.setup_id_present[t])):
                if not self.setup_id_present[t][i]:
                    miss_view = ET.SubElement(miss_views, 'MissingView')
                    miss_view.set('timepoint', str(t))
                    miss_view.set('setup', str(i))

    # Transformations of coordinate system
    vregs = ET.SubElement(root, 'ViewRegistrations')
    for itime in range(self.ntimes):
        for isetup in range(self.nsetups):
            if self.setup_id_present[itime][isetup]:
                vreg = ET.SubElement(vregs, 'ViewRegistration')
                vreg.set('timepoint', str(itime))
                vreg.set('setup', str(isetup))
                # write arbitrary affine transformation, specific for each view
                if isetup in self.affine_matrices.keys():
                    vt = ET.SubElement(vreg, 'ViewTransform')
                    vt.set('type', 'affine')
                    ET.SubElement(vt, 'Name').text = self.affine_names[isetup]
                    n_prec = 6
                    mx_string = np.array2string(self.affine_matrices[isetup].flatten(), separator=' ',
                                                precision=n_prec, floatmode='fixed',
                    ET.SubElement(vt, 'affine').text = mx_string[1:-1].strip()

                # write registration transformation (calibration)
                vt = ET.SubElement(vreg, 'ViewTransform')
                vt.set('type', 'affine')
                ET.SubElement(vt, 'Name').text = 'calibration'
                calx, caly, calz = self.calibrations[isetup]
                ET.SubElement(vt, 'affine').text = \
                    '{} 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 {} 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 {} 0.0'.format(calx, caly, calz)

    tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
    tree.write(self.filename_xml, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")

Inherited members